Series Introduction

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May 2008

Series Introduction
Beginning May 2008, you and many other executives and leaders will receive my short bi-monthly communication called the Pease Strategic Edge. The intent of this communication is to offer you usable observations, commentary, methods and research directly related to organizational and individual development and growth. From my work with functional and high performing individuals and organizations in the areas of executive coaching, leadership development and talent management we shall be able to take a unique look at what is going on with people and cultures today.

It is no doubt that you have more than enough information coming at you on an hourly basis. It is because of this reality that the Pease Strategic Edge will be short, distinctive and will show up every other month. Pease Strategic Partners respects your time and also your appetite for relevant information. If you are on this initial distribution list, it is because you are a client, past client, decision maker or someone who has demonstrated a passion for progress. Of course, please do not hesitate to click on the “unsubscribe” option should you not choose to receive this bi-monthly ping.

This is really about you. Blending the personal and the professional is exactly how you operate in your world and it is how these communications will attempt to converse with you. Sometimes more formal, other times informal. Your career, your life, your team and organization’s success are chief in our focus here. Expect some mainstream, and some “off-road” items for your consideration, and (occasionally) recreation.

In the early part of last year, during some of my reading time, it hit me just how much I value truth and freedom. Those two values guide the type of service I provide to both corporate clients and individuals. To liberate and elevate are why I work for others and my self. I hope you are in the midst of a truly successful year.


Receive usable observations, commentary, methods and research directly related to organizational and individual development by signing up to receive PSP’s bi-monthly e-mail communique, the Pease Strategic Edge